Specialty Pharmaceuticals Distribution

SPLine will propose a specialty pharmaceutical distribution plans including PFM®, AR and PMS.
We utilize the high quality distribution management functions such as the “temperature zone logistics system” by MEDIPAL group to develop customized services and marketing support according to the characteristics of pharmaceuticals.
Also we provide high-quality services in a stable manner under strict quality control, and deliver pharmaceuticals to patients with a safe and secure distribution system.

Tailor-made distribution services

Total cold chain management system
that assures safety and security

SPLine has prepared storage facilities and distribution systems for specialty pharmaceutical distribution.
We deliver security and safety to patients by maintaining quality of products and supplying stably.

Maintaining the quality and stable supply of pharmaceuticals through a delivery system that can accommodate temperatures from-196°C to 37°C

Introduction of SPLine Functions

High-functioning logistics / Manufacturer logistics / Call center functions

We have highly functional logistics centers (ALCs) nationwide as a platform for the safe supply of pharmaceuticals.
We provide support for streamlining of customers’ operations through our original system that leverage high delivery accuracy supported by shortened inspection times.
Also we have a call center available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for quick responce to emergency deliveries.

AR activity

We are cultivatinging human resources who have both the mobility as MS and the expertise as MRs.
We provide high-quality information ranging from diagnostic and treatment to efficacy and safety after launced in timely manner.

Total cold chain management system

MEDIPAL has established a distribution system for delivering specialty pharmaceuticals that require special temperature controls in a secure and safe manner.
We facilitate inventory and delivery systems that strictly manage temperatures from extremely low -196°C or below to 37°C according to the characteristics of each product.

PMS (Post Marketing Surveillance)

We have conducted early post-marketing phase vigilance for patients to ensure the safe administration. We have established a full range of consignment PMS services and contributed to the proper use of pharmaceuticals working with specialized ARs as PMS coordinators.

Investigational drug logistics

The MEDIPAL Group improved quality asurance and provide reliable services by leveraging our logistics platform throughout transportation.
Also we conduct the storage and delivery services for investigational drugs.

PFM® (Project Finance & Marketing)

PFM® is a business model developed by MEDIPAL. We invest in orphan drugs in the development stage and supply them to healthcare providers through preferential marketing rights after they are launched.

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